The Audience and the Author

My readers are several hundred financial journalists, asset managers, hedge fund managers and other professionals. I write from a perspective gained during a 25+ year career as an executive, entrepreneur and investor in technology and technology enabled service businesses.

To protect privacy, and insure candor, I write under the pen name Frank L. Wright.

Since April of 2020 I’ve been investing my personal money in shares of the companies I recommend. To keep things honest, from time to time I print the results of those investments at the end of the newsletter.

Why read?

I’m an operator and an individual investor. I evaluate public companies through the same lens, looking for the same fundamentals, as the businesses that I run personally.

My take is often quite different from that of the professional analysts who cover these same companies.

If you subscribe every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. I post on Sunday mornings so you can read it (takes about 5 to 7 minutes) before you start work on Monday morning.

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Separate the signal from the noise....


Full time capitalist, part time writer